J S Valve


J&S Valve is a member of the following Trade Associations:

Water and Sewer Distributors of America - www.wasda.com

American Water Works Associations (AWWA) - www.awwa.org

Sam Houston Water Utilities (SWHU) - www.shwua.org

Texas Water Utilities (TWU) - www.twua.org

Texas Rural Water Assoc (TRWA) - www.trwa.org

Water Environment Federation (WEF)- www.wef.org

Other Associations:

American Backflow Prevention Association http://www.abpa.org

American Water Resources Association http://www.awra.org

Water & Wastewater Equipment Manufactures Assoc. http://www.wwema.org

National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association, Inc. http://www.nowra.org

Tours of WWTP around the US and Canada http://www.sewage.net

Wastewater Engineering Virtual Library http://www.cleanh2o.com

Water & Wastewater Dot Com http://www.waterandwastewater.com

Assoc. of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies http://www.amsa-cleanwater.org

National Rural Water Association http://www.nrwa.org

Water Quality Association http://www.wqa.org

International Water Association http://www.iwahq.org

Water Association Information Business http://www.business.com

Water Resources of the US http://water.usgs.gov

Software and Resource for Engineering Community http://www.engineers.com

Government Organizations:

Environmental Protection Agency http://www.epa.gov

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers http://www.usace.army.mil

National Rural Water Association http://www.nrwa.org

National League of Cities http://www.nlc.org

National Assoc. of Flood & Stormwater Manage. Agencies http://www.nafsma.org

Federal Emergency Management Agency http://www.fema.gov

Department of Natural Resources (by state) http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us

Department of Environmental Protection (by state) http://www.dep.state.pa.us